Oct 7, 2014

Appsolutely – Helen King ULearn 14

Point England – Manaiakalani Cluster

Pilot year this year where Yr 1-3 children are in classes with 1-1 devices.
Arriving at school with a school age of 3 years.  The school needed to accelerate learning.

Moving into cognitive engagement.  Classes have made up to a 2 year shift each year using devices..

Year 1:
1:1 ipads.  The teacher decided just to teach through oral language, no writing to start with.  After a few weeks the children wanted to write so moved on to that using ipads.
They use only one app – explain everything for all learning areas:  Maths, reading and writing.

They use templates designed by teacher in explain everything and shared with them as well as ones that they make.

Maths: They film themselves working with a number of the day. Eg 3 make number sets and then practice writing the number.  Film themselves counting the number in sets.  Then watch and share.

Reading:  Still guided reading with books and teacher.  But follow up activity on explain everything. 

Oral language: Mini language experience first.  Then they sing a song about what they will write.  Teacher gifts them language. They film themselves singing it and watch it on apple tv.

Emphasis on oral language and thinking processes means they go away with the sentence structure all ready.  Get them to listen to the story they have written over and over so they hear what it says.
Stories planned on Explain Everything.

Year 3-4 composite:
Chromebook  programme
Goals for year:  Learn/create/share – a basic philosophy underpinning everything.  Lets kids get engaged.
Blogger and camera app.  Get a friend to take a photo of them and write a little story.  Shared on their blogpost.

3 apps:
Garageband and imovie, explain everything
Blogger and docs.

Classroom Site made in google sites. 
Learning visible to everyone.  All planning on there too.

Creating – create to learn

Making movies about kupu of the week using imovie.  All made on ipads.

All children have their own blog.
The work is there for them to look at.  Go back to it revisit and relearn.

Teacher Dashboard and Smart Copy:

Smart Copy great for ipads.  Let’s teacher send an "explain everything" file to the ipads. They then save their file back up to their google drive and you can check their work at home.

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