Oct 7, 2014

Team Thorrington at the Final Keynote Day 1

End of Day 1

MLE on a Shoestring

Anna Graham and  Sara Melville – Elm Park School, converting an older school to MLE.
anna@elmpark.school.nz  Twitter: @kiwidingo80
sara@elmpark.school.nz  Twitter:@saramelville1

It’s about the Pedagogy not about the classroom - teaching children to prepare them for the world.  Modern workplaces are very different from the past.
Children need to be problem solvers, creative, collaborators, team players.

Features of MLEs:
·      Flexible so can combine and split groups for team teaching, small group work, individual work, collaborative work and about having complementary working areas for these groups.  The teachers had 2 traditional classes and took a door out to join 2 rooms.
·      Open not cluttered, big empty spaces
·      Access to resources – for the children so they can get what they need.
·      Need to cater for a range of learning.styles: Controlled learners, Logical Learners, Creative Learners, Interpersonal learners.
Students learning to be reflective, self managing, collaborative, student driven, learning to learn, risk takers, quality not quantity.

·      Focus on competencies and skills rather than content delivery
·      Encouraging independence and ownership over learning, highly personalized, students drive it.
·      Lots of ICT to support and extend
·      Collaboration
·      Assessment for learning AFoL- feedback is given as they go when they need it not at end.
·      Holistic, wellbeing and relationships important.
·      Learning is a social activity.

Getting Started:

·      Took off door
·      Opened out the spaces
·      Lots of floor space, collaborative learning areas
·      Comfortable spaces – library corner
·      Visible learning, timetable up on boards so children can see what they are doing all week. They know what’s happening each day.
·      Colourful bright rooms.
One classroom is the hub, the other is the breakout room.
No allocated seating.

A lot of time at start of year building up a sense of community with the children. 
Developing relationships, eg maths problem solving.  Low-threashold, high ceiling activities. 
Not about being the smartest, stick with things, ask question..
Karakia and waiata everyday.

Then moved onto taking responsibility for learning. 

The 2 teachers introduced a foundation skills block eg handwriting, basic facts, phonics, etc  Chdn could choose how and when to complete activities.  They fill in their own planning template (1.5 hrs daily)
They choose when, 3 20 minute sessions when they do what’s on their timetable then music plays that moves them onto their next activity.
This really engaged the children, they had choice over when they could do things.

·      Got them working in groups for inquiry.  Gave them a brief and a task then told them to get going.  Given success criteria so they knew what they needed to do to achieve.
·      Teachers then target individuals/focus groups while others are working.

·      Very positive feedback from both kids and parents
·      Good achievement data gains
·      Kids love it esp the younger ones
·      Environment positive
·      Teachers are very reflective and on their game all the time.

·      Differing philosophies can clash, need to communicate well with each other.
·      Started with daily reflections.
·      Hard when only one class in the school is doing it.

Where to next?

·      Building more independence with children
·      Blancing collaborative projects with teaching target groups.
·      Next year:  retaining children

Remember it’s all about the pedagogy not the room.
Give your students opportunities to collaborate
Focus on skills/Key Competencies-let the content be the context

Effective Writing Online

Hooked in Effectively 

Want people to stay hooked? Check out these simple tips

We scan in an F shaped pattern.

Subheadings are what what our eyes track on to.

Check out Chrissie Butlers website:

Make sure you front load. Put the things that are the most important first

Topic or summary sentence
What is your whole article about

Image labels
A caption is often when you play with words
Hidden label needed
Alt text needed to make the image visible

Heading Levels

Write links that are useful that say what it is that you are going to click

Try out youtube videos with closed captions Inclusive practice in yr classrooms
Write the narration first, then follow the prompts.

Breakout 2 - Google Fest

Teachers make the difference - passionate, caring, creative, reflective, etc.
ipad apps and android apps charts - based on Blooms /SAMR model etc.

- people believe this makes effective teaching, but we don't believe that -

Teachers who can be replaced by a machine(app), should be.

SAMR Challenge - see this link for details:

Challenge - to use SAMR Model to create something
also given learning outcome, google apps, wild card and levels of SAMR

Task - to complete 4 learning tasks at each level of the SAMR Model we have 15 minutes.  Present to whole room at the end.

The link above is what some of us came up with.  It was a pretty amazing and interactive task - good ideas, good humour and lots of collaboration and sharing.

LevelDefinitionExamples Functional Change 
Substitution  Computer technology is used to perform the same task as was done before the use of computers.Students print out worksheet, finish it, pass it in.No functional change in teaching and learning.  There may well be times when this the appropriate level of work as there is no real gain to be had from computer technology.  One needs to decide computer use based on any other possible benefits. This area tends to be teacher centric where the instructor is guiding all aspects of a lesson.
 Augmentation    Computer Technology offers an effective tool to perform common tasks.Students take a quiz using a Google Form instead of using pencil and paper.There is some functional benefit here in that paper is being saved, students and teacher can receive almost immediate feedback on student level of understanding of material.  This level starts to move along the teacher / student centric continuum. The impact of immediate feedback is that students may begin to become more engaged in learning.
 ModificationThis is the first step over the line between enhancing the traditional goings-on of the classroom and transforming the classroom. Common classroom tasks are being accomplished through the use of computer technology. Students are asked to write an essay around the theme "And This I Believe...". An audio recording of the essay is made along with an original musical soundtrack.  The recording will be played in front of an authentic audience such as parents, or college admission counselors.There is significant functional change in the classroom.  While all students are learning similar writing skills, the reality of an authentic audience gives each student has a personal stake in the quality of the work.  Computer technology is necessary for this classroom to function allowing peer and teacher feedback, easy rewriting, and audio recording.  Questions about writing skills increasingly come from the students themselves.
 Redefintion         Computer technology allows for new tasks that were previously inconceivable. A classroom is asked to create a documentary video answering an essential question related to important concepts. Teams of students take on different subtopics and collaborate to create one final product.  Teams are expected to contact outside sources for information. At this level, common classroom tasks and computer technology exist not as ends but as supports for student centered learning.  Students learn content and skills in support of important concepts as they pursue the challenge of creating a  professional quality video.  Collaboration becomes necessary and technology allows such communications to occur.  Questions and discussion are increasingly student generated.

Effective writing on line

Great links to help students with design in line.  The whole concept of scanning with an 'F'

Two horizontals and a vertical
Creating a classroom without walls through the integration of ICT

Presented by Bec Attard & Jess Green
Twitter: @NoWalls14

Manor Lakes College, AUSTRALIA

The best teacher is the best thief!

Nearpod   (PGYRO)

Drag and drop to make the presentation. Make it in PowerPoint and drag and drop into nearpod. Quizzes, polls, drawing ideas, question starters.

Email LIs out the night before on Gmail.
Flipped classrooms = chn watch videos at home and do the work with support at school.

TodaysMeet = live chat room: todaysmeet.com
Create own class URL so therefore it’s restricted.
Sign up using Google Accounts so you can use the app for the year.

Edmodo – engaging students in what they are learning/ getting their attention
Reflecting on what they posted yesterday / commenting on each other’s reflections – Posting completed work, answering questions, writing reflections, commenting on other’s reflections
Creates Team positive attitude
Sharing out of school achievements
Preparing students for future learning
Whole class lessons:
Cyber Safety
Submitting work
Publishing work

Digitized Daily 5

Below notes based on the above Prezi as presented by Caroline Bush at this breakout - @CaroBush + http://www.pinterest.com/carob70/

Also check out the googledoc 

Check out 'The Book Whisperer' by Donalyn Miller - Please Read! Then read 'Reading in the Wild'
Check out Seven Lane - Foreword by 'The Sisters'
See the three types of readers
How to gage interest, attitude, motivation, engagement 
Best way to find this out- run a reading log program/reading interest  

(think about fluency) Does one novel fit all?
Get rid of the groups!!!

PROBE results went up!!!!!!!!

Read To Self - 

check out Book track - to overlay music and sound affects
PM - app $18 but perfect for home reading (Junior) (paper book = $9 - $18 = 200 books)
Sunshine online also (great way to resource your reading program)

Read To Someone - 

Sock puppets - great for ESOL
Telagammi - avatar see SAMR blogpost
Storyline Online - actors reading + text on screen

Writing - Work on Writing 

- Kidblog (walled garden)  - teacher signup and then use of class code - warn parents that the blogs will not be perfect (proofed). Great engagement from students to write their own stories on their blogs anytime anywhere morning, evening after school, on holiday
- Blogger - good for google environment - works well with hapara - maybe draft in google docs/kidblog, then publish in blogger (= porfolio!!)
- Story Jumper - can publish in hardback! Can flick links off to parents and then they published to hardback and give as presents
- Storybird
kidblog/blogger good for advance writiners Story Jumper/Bird better for younger years
Check the Literacy Shed!!! Video clips, story starters - fantasy shed, fairy shed - a goto as a resource for reluctant writers!!!
Poplet - great for brainstorming - add photos, you can share it
Padlet - also great - notice board feature

Word Work 

- boggle - dice - phsyical format + there some apps around
- whirly word - ios - great for word study - broden their vocab
- chicktionary (sound is grating!) - year 1 -3?
- 4 pics 1 word  (some adds) free apps now has a 'word of the day' (watch out for shared device a nd coins

Part of Daily 5 Weekly - Ran a book club - 

A: you can monitor who is reading what
B: you create hot property books!

Had to teach - how to collaborate in a book club  - crossed over with juniors

Pull out the group - for the skills - no need for the same text - pull out a dominant character from each book, they are reading their choice - see the conversation inflate!!!

See the example of reading Geronimo Stilton - Wimpy Kid to 'Fourth Stall' - a great progression - the trust model of letting them read their favourite they carried on - do the inventory at the start of the year then track it in term 2/3/4 (use google form)  

The difference when you get the choice

Speed Dating with reading -
line up, time on a minute - one line stands still the end line runs to the end. - talk about the dominant character, the style of writing, the conlcusion , the characters,


Just like original DAILY 5 - training, timer 1 min, then 2 min. Compare to the marathon, soccer, ballet drills. It is practice for the end of year /tournament. 

Soooooooo different to Drop everything and read. 

Building the Stamina of the ENTIRE class "well done everyone, we red for 3 mins!" What shall we go for next. 


Strategies to find a book - 
"What's your purpose?" 
"To build my stamina"
"Do think this will be a good one? Do you understand, would you enjoy this book?" 

DAILY 5  is the vehicle - teaching the skills (group/individual) 
CAFE is the fuel 
DONALYN MILLER is the road

Comprehension - so use their own books, ask the questions - match to their Best Fit choice no need for guided books 

Accuracy - run groups to run word work 

Fluency - listening to others, listening to 

Expand Vocabulary - using post it notes, using padlets - tick up marks (house points?) Spelling - a better way to understand how the words work  - what about spelling journal? 


Get your class library sorted!!! Utilise the local library (National Library -  Paula Eskett @librarypaula) 

Get points from scholastic - get over the staple issue

Could use an evernote folder for each child, gather photos, gather videos (or hapara/google classroom) 

Notes from Keynote 1 Yorum Harpez

Ulearn14  8/10/14

Keynote 1 -  Professor Yoram Harpez

  • http://bit.do/YoramHarpez - Collaborative Google Doc (unable to access)
  • pedagogical sentiment
  • Three arguments - theories are ideologies, 3 meta-ideologies, you must choose one of them
  • The structure of ideology - utopia - an imagined picture of an ideal society - diagnosis, a description and analysis of actual society,  strategy - the means to change the actual society into the ideal society, collective - a social group that will carry out the change.
  • political ideology, pedagogical ideaology, ideology of teaching thinking - all have the same structure.
  • There are three meta-ideologies in education: Education serves three masters - socialisation - adapting the child to society, imparting useful behaviours, acculturation - shaping a child’s character in light of the values of the preferred culture, individuation - fostering the autonomy and authenticity of the child. (Allowing a child to fulfill him/herself - finding their inner truth)
  • These dictate our educational practice - they are not abstract ideas
  • t+i+c+s=p the formula of teaching  - teacher +instruction + content + student  = purpose
  • The purpose = the desired graduate
  • The desired graduate = knowledge, skills, traits, worldview
  • factories and school - difficult to differentiate (painting English artist - industrial England)
  • Socialisation - teacher is classroom manager imparting facts and skills, the instruction is autocratic, exemplifying and exercising, content is practical and useful, student is all students are the same, learning buy imitations, purpose - the educated person adapted to her/his society - image of futuristic classroom - philosophers who learn because they are curious
  • Acculturation - teacher a live model of the demanded values and truths, instruction, authorotative, modelling, content, inner value, student, different (should be same) learning by internalisation, purpose the educated person is one whose character reflects cultural values and truths
  • Individuation (painting 17C - teaching must be a personal process - individualised education - students went to teacher to be taught individually - the other students were all over the place, not necessarily learning)  Whole class teaching is a means of supervision - all can be controlled at the same time - the is supervision, not teaching - inefficient way of teaching.  Teacher - a facilitator, instruction -  a guidance sensitive to individual needs, content -  supports individual development, student - each student is unique, self-regulated learning, purpose  - the educated person is the one who fulfills his/herself.  We should not intervene in the delicate process of learning. In Israel - known as democratic schools - like the open classrooms of the 60’s.  Hours are flexible.
  • You must choose one of them.  Natural tendency would be to do them all together - a tempting conclusion.
  • The Tragic Choice  -  the sad truth - it doesn’t work - therefore we must stick to one.
  • Pedagogical impact is created when one ideology is adopted within a whole school.  Otherwise students don’t take is seriously - they become indifferent.
  • Do we have criteria to help us choose?  No - there is no empirical or victorious argument that can convince us that one is better than the other.  We base our choosing on our pedagogical sentiment.  one of the ideologies appeals to us and fits.
  • The Moment of Truth - what am I attracted to?  Which is in NZ schools, which dominates NZ school.

- link to vote.